McDaniel Controls was established in 1972 when the first liquid fillable gauge hit the American market. McDaniels developed the first all stainless, liquid fillable, field repairable line of pressure gauges. Purposeful construction is the companies first thought in mind when manufacturing a product. McDaniels prides themselves on the economical and dependable operation of their gauges. For all instruments larger than 2 ½” McDaniels has engineered them to withstand 300% full scale pressure without rupture and the bourdon tube is engineered to withstand 130% of full scale pressure without the loss of accuracy. McDaniels continues to be a leader in the instrumentation industry and strives for excellence on every application.
Featured Products:
- Stainless Steel Gauges
- General Service Gauges
- Process Gauges
- Plant Safety Gauges
- Series 6 Liquid Fillable Stainless Steel Utility Gauges
- Series 7 Stainless Steel Utility Gauges
- Series 8 Black Steel Utility Gauges
- Series 9 Liquid Fillable All Stainless Steel Utility Gauges
- Ammonia Gauges
- Safety Zone Reflective Glo-Gauge